Events & Special Guests
Roswell Galacticon Events & Special Guests:
Cosplay Contest with Cash Prizes!!! - UPDATE: Judging Contest
will begin at 3pm however all participants must sign-in
and be in Cosplay at Noon, Saturday the 6th.
1st place ($100), 2nd place ($50), 3rd place ($25), and a
People's Choice award ($75). Showcase your cosplay
throughout the Convention Center and Galacticon from
12pm- 3pm to earn votes for the People's Choice award.
Alien Pet Costume Contest - Entry Form
Waterpark - Enjoy many water slides and other ways to cool down.
Sponsored by The City of Roswell.
Steve Garcia - Artist with works such as Iron Giant, The Simpsons,
and many others. See Home page.
Frank Renda and his Working Droids
Star Wars 501st Legion - New Mexico's Dewback Ridge Garrison
EJ Wilson - Author/Researcher and authority on Star Trek
and the Roswell crash
John LeMay - Local author and historian featuring books
from the Roswell Historical Society
Guy Malone - Local author; Roswell crash lecturer. FREE lecture
Fri. & Sat. 2-5pm. Challenging, alternative evidences for
the man-made view of the 1947 Roswell Incident.
Joseph G. Jordan - Formerly of NASA and a 30-year MUFON
researcher and investigator into the alien abduction
phenomenon. FREE lecture Fri. & Sat. 2-5pm.
Matt Bromley - Local game designer featuring several original
Tabletop games, wooden RPG terrain and accessories,
and introducing a miniature terrain gaming gallery
Roswell Daily Record Special Guests:
RDR Film Festival - Showcasing the winners of the 2024 RDR Film
Festival. Check RDR schedule for times.
Free Family Films - Free films on the patio Thurs. & Sat. 8:30pm.
Clyde Lewis - Creator and Host of Ground Zero Radio will be
broadcasting live from the Roswell Convention Center!
Sponsored by Roswell Daily Record and City of Roswell.
Vendor Hall:
The Vendor Hall features Booths and Artists tables with items for sale including (but not limited to) the following, generally in the SciFi & Fantasy genres:
Fine Art, Art Prints, Posters and Jewelry
Books - Comic books and vintage books
Collectibles – SciFi, Fantasy, Steampunk, Movies and Disney
Authors Tables - feature local renown authors of SciFi and other published works
Gems and crystals
Children’s Educational programs and activities
Cosplay apparel, accessories and more!
Games – Tabletop games including several Role Playing Games. Click to see the Game Schedule. This year we will have up to 16 Game Masters running great games!
All schedules subject to change.

The Galacticon Committee is looking forward to Galacticon
and invites everyone to come and join in the fun!
Follow us on the Roswell Galacticon FaceBook Page.